Two-level Grammar of JinXML
JinXML has a whitespace insensitive layout, which means that it is a good idea to split the syntax into two phases: a lower-level tokenisation phase and an upper level parsing phase. This page describes both levels for JinXML in EBNF and also illustrates the grammars with railroad diagrams, thanks to the excellent Railroad Diagram Generator.
Upper-Level Grammar in EBNF, corresponds to parse phase
JinXML ::= Element | JSON | Call
Call ::= ( NCName | '&' ) '<' Attribute* ( '/>' | '>' '(' Item* ')' )
Element ::= StartTag Item* EndTag | FusedTag
StartTag ::= '<' Name Attribute* '>'
EndTag ::= '</' Name '>'
FusedTag ::= '<' Name Attribute* '/>'
Attribute ::= FieldPrefix String
JSON ::= Reserved | Number | String | Array | Object
Reserved ::= 'null' | 'true' | 'false'
Item ::= ( Entry | JinXML ) Terminator?
Array ::= '[' ( JinXML Terminator? )* ']'
Object ::= '{' ( Entry Terminator? )* '}'
Entry ::= FieldPrefix JinXML
FieldPrefix ::= Name ( ':' | '=' | '+:' | '+=' )
Name ::= NCName | '&' | String
NCName ::= []
Terminator ::= ',' | ';'
The following side-conditions apply:
- ElementNames in paired tags must not differ, where
is considered to automatically match. &
can only be used in a StartTag when its element appears on the right of an Entry.&
can only be used as an Entry name when followed by a named StartTag (not&
Top Level Grammar as Railroad Diagram
JinXML: JinXML is the non-terminal through which all recursion happens
Call: A function-call like syntax for elements
Element: Element are made up of tags
StartTag: Must be paired with an EndTag
EndTag: Must be paired with a StartTag
FusedTag: Combines a start-and-end tag pair when there are no children
Attribute: An attribute pairs up a name with a string value
JSON: Denotes a JSON-styled expression
Reserved: JSON reserves null, true and false
Array: JSON-style array brackets
Object: JSON-style object brackets
Entry: Member of JSON-style object
FieldPrefix: Member of JSON-style object
ElementName: Element names, attribute keys and object keys are almost identical - but ‘+’ is allowed for element names.
NCName: Same as XML spec
Terminator: Optional comma or semi between members of arrays, objects or elements.
Lower-Level Grammar for Tokenisation in EBNF, corresponds lexical analysis phase
Note that Shebang sequences may only occur at the start of a stream.
Reserved ::= 'null' | 'true' | 'false'
Number ::= '-'? [0-9]+ ( '.' [0-9]+ )? ( ( 'e' | 'E' ) [0-9]+ )?
String ::= SingleQuotedString | DoubleQuotedString
DoubleQuotedString ::= '"' ([^"\]|Escape)* '"'
SingleQuotedString ::= "'" ([^'\]|Escape)* "'"
Escape ::= '\' ( ["'\/bfnrt] | 'u' Hex Hex Hex Hex | XEscape )
XEscape ::= '&' (NamedCharacterReference|'#' [0-9]+|'#x' Hex+)';'
NamedCharacterReference ::= []
Hex ::= [0-9a-fA-F]
Discard ::= ( Whitespace | XComment | XOther | JComment )+
XComment ::= '<!--' ( [^-]* | '-'+ [^->] )* '-'* '-->'
XOther ::= '<' [?!] [^>]* '>'
JComment ::= LongComment | EoLComment
LongComment ::= '/*' ( [^*] | '*'+ [^*/] )* '*'* '*/'
EoLComment ::= '//' [^#xA]* #xA
Whitespace ::= (#x20 | #x9 | #xD | #xA)+
Shebang ::= ('#!' [^#xA]* #xA)+
Lower-Level Grammar for Tokenisation as Railroad Diagrams
Reserved: identifiers that play the role of literal constants
Numbers: Only base 10 so far
Strings: Single and double quoted strings and their symmetrical escape sequences
DoubleQuotedString: JSON-like double-quoted strings
SingleQuotedString: XML-like single-quoted strings
Escape: JSON-style Escapes
XEscape: XML-style Escapes
Hex: Hex Characters
Discards: Tokens to be discarded
XComment: XML-style comment
XOther: Other XML-content to be discarded
JComment: JSON-style comment
LongComment: Multi-line Javascript like comment
EoLComment: End of Line Javascript style comment